Friday, October 16, 2009


"What's your Mo(tivation)?" is the theme for stewardship/annual giving this year.  I'll be preaching on that on Sunday October 25.  So, what most motivates you to do the important things you undertake in your life?

Is hope a motivator?
How about fear?

What most motivates you?

1 comment:

  1. I think that hope and fear are my two biggest motivators -- and the larger one depends on "which one I feed."

    When I live in fear, I am like the servant with the single talent, who believed his master "a harsh man , reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you did not scatter seed." (Mt 25:24) Then I turn to my own devices and agenda and end up bearing false witness against God and descending into my hell of self-reliance.

    When I live in hope, I live to please God. I don't know what will happen when I act in this belief. I know I have to surrender my self, which is painful. And I hope it will be worht it. Later, I always find out that it was, usually in ways I never anticipated. My hope is in a creative and abundant God, who fulfills me and acts through me in the ways that He has envisioned -- and the discovery is my delight.


